Terms and Conditions

1) For tests performed on specimens received from locations outside the laboratory, it is presumed that the specimens belong to the patient named or identified and such verification having been carried out at the point of generation of the said specimen.

2) The reported results are for the evaluation of the referring doctor or concerned medical specialist(s) only.

3) The technical note given below a test result is a general comment on the test – its nature, its basic interpretative value and any other general information pertaining to the test performance, test results, follow-up advice etc.

4) A test requested might not be performed due to various reasons including but not limited to the following reasons:

5) Delay in issuing test reports may occur due to unavoidable/unforeseen circumstances or reasons which are beyond the control of the laboratory such as shortage or non-availability of the test kits, instrument failure, power supply disruption, force majeure, strike etc. The laboratory will make reasonable efforts to minimize the delay in reporting under such circumstances.

6) A test requested might yield “INVALID RESULTS” for various technical reasons and this response will appear against the test name followed by a detailed comment at the end of the report.

7) If a test cannot be carried out for any of the aforementioned reasons, a request for a repeat sample would be made.

8) A report that carries a “PRELIMINARY” status signifies that results are yet to be reported for one of the tests, or else, as is the case for many microbiology tests, a “FINAL” culture, identification or drug susceptibility result might be pending. In such a case, the descriptor “RESULT PENDING” will print alongside the test name in the “RESULTS” column and will be replaced by the test results whenever the latter is ready. The report will, when completed, acquire a “FINAL” status.

9) Please note that results of tests may vary from laboratory to laboratory. Further, some parameters are known to vary from time to time even for the same patient. The test may have to be repeated in the interests of quality assurance.

10) If you think that the results indicate an unexpected abnormality, please contact the customer care.

11) Individual laboratory tests are only one of the parameters for the diagnosis, which needs to be corroborated, supported or analyzed with various other parameters, which differs from case to case.

12) The sample date is the date on which the test registration is done and the report date is the date on which the report is generated. In case the sample is received on another day then a foot-note will state the date on which the sample is received or processed. If the collection date was not stated in the Test Requisition Form, the same will not be printed on the report.

13) ** Mark test performed at referral laboratory.

14) Some tests are referred to other laboratories to provide a wider test menu to the patients. The details of the laboratory where the sample was referred to, can be obtained from Customer Care Group.

15) Claims, if any, are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Mumbai.

16) Any query pertaining to this report may be directed to the Customer Care at this laboratory on the phone number mentioned in the report.

17) Consent: SMS/ EMail/ Call

By using our service, it is deemed that you have consented to receiving calls, autodialed and/or pre-recorded message calls, SMS, from us, at any time, on the telephone number / contact information that has been provided by you even if the contact number you have entered is on DND (Do not Disturb), for the use of this website or our services. We may send inquiry confirmation / intimation, booking confirmation, cancellation, payment confirmation, schedule change or any such other information relevant for the transaction, via SMS or by voice call on the contact number given by the User at the time of registration / reservation. We may also contact you to clarify your inquiry, seek additional details pertaining to it, etc. The use of this website is also your consent to receive SMSs from us at any time, as we deem fit. This consent to be contacted is for purposes that include and are not limited to clarification calls and marketing and promotional calls.

18) Our SMS alerts will be subject to guidelines of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and Department of Telecom (DoT) as well as to the terms and conditions of third-party merchants, services of whom Simira might avail of. By signing up for SMS alerts, you agree to allow us to send you SMS alerts, even if your number is registered in the Do Not Disturb (DND) registry.





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