Sickle Cell Anemia Mutation – Prenatal Diagnosis

"Amniotic Fluid (15-20 ml) in a sterile screw cap tube. Sample stable for 1 day at Ambient temperature and 3 Days at 2 to 8 degree celsius. Sample to be preferably shipped at Referigerated condition or Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS) 20 mg of chorionic villus (CVS) specimen in a sterile, screw-top container filled with tissue culture transport medium or in sterile saline Sample stable for 1 day at Ambient temperature and 3 Days at 2 to 8 degree celsius. Sample to be preferably shipped at Referigerated condition 3-5 ml EDTA Blood sample of Mother is mandatory. Sample stable for 3 Days at Amibent Temperature and 7 Days at 2 to 8 degree celsius . Duly signed consent form as per PCPNDT must which include SAMPLE FORWARDING DOCTORS COVERING LETTER and FORM G -FORM OF CONSENT (For invasive techniques). Clinical indication and family history mandatory."
test id: 11489
test schedule: Wed and Fri: 9 am
tat: 168 hours
department: Molecular Pathology
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