3ml of Serum in Gel Vacutainer or in Plain Sterile Vacutainer
3ml of Serum in Gel Vacutainer or in Plain Sterile Vacutainer
3ml of Serum in Gel Vacutainer or in Plain Sterile Vacutainer
3ml of Serum in Gel Vacutainer or in Plain Sterile Vacutainer
3ml of Serum in Gel Vacutainer or in Plain Sterile Vacutainer
2 ml of CSF in Sterile leak proof tube or container
3 ml of EDTA Whole Blood in EDTA Vacutainer
2 ml of CSF in Sterile leak proof tube or container
3 ml of EDTA Plasma in Sterile Plain Vacutainer
15 ml of Spot Urine in Sterile leak proof container
3 ml of EDTA Plasma in Sterile Plain Vacutainer
24 H urine: 24 hour Urine should be collected in mug and transferred to relevant
Require clinician provisional diagnosis, homeopathic, allopathic, ayruvedic or u
3 ml of serum for single test and 5 ml serum for profiles and reflex tests.
We employ the most qualified and well-trained staff to ensure that all of your tests go off without a problem.
Simira Diagnostics is committed to upholding the highest standards when it comes to ensuring the privacy of personal health information.
At Simira, we have the most up-to-date technology and facilities. All of our diagnostic services are reasonably priced.
Tests Done
Acurate Results
Qualified Doctors
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